




Contact                             Department of Law

Information                       Ryukoku University

                                          67 Tsukamoto-cho, Fukakusa, Kyoto city

                                          Kyoto Prefecture, Japan




Current                              Professor of Middle East Politics (2016-Present)

Appointment                    Associate Professor of Political Science, Yamagata University (2005-2016)

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Yamagata University (2002-2005)

Visiting Lecturer, Ritsumeikan University (2000-2002)


Education                          2000 Ph.D. Kobe University (Political Science)

1995 M.A.  Kobe University (Political Science)

1993 B.A.  Wakayama University (Arts and Sciences)                   


Research Career                Visiting Associate Professor, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University (April 2009-March 2011)

                                          Visiting Researcher, Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University (July-Dec.2009)

                                          Visiting Research Fellow, National Museum of Ethnology (1998-1999)

                                          Graduate Student Program, Hebrew University (1995-1996)



Publications                      Book in English

                                          Nishikida, A., C. Ezaki, and T. Tsujita eds. (2025) “Fragile Stability” as a Political background of October 7. Singapore: Springer, Chapter 6 “Anger, Anxiety, and the Star of David: An Experimental Survey of the Rally Phenomenon.”


                                  World Order from the Peoples Perspective in the Middle East. Springer. With Hiroyuki Aoyama and Yutaka Takaoka.


                                          Article in English (Peer Review Journal)

“Military policy preferences of a conflict-dependent country: A study of Israel’s political use of force,” Annals of Japanese Association for Middle East Studies 40:2 (2025). With Yuichiro Harada.


Survey Experiment on Political Use of Force: The Case of Operation Guardian of the Walls in May 2021,” Democracy and Security 2024. Online First. free copies from the publishers.


“State Reconstruction, Political Actors, and Expectations of Syrians Regarding Development Assistance from Foreign Countries” Annals of Japanese Association for Middle East Studies 39(1). (with Miyui Tani). 2023.


“Political Mobilization and Its Impact on Voter Turnout: A Survey Experiment in Iraq.” Asian Journal of Comparative Politics. 6(4). (with Dai Yamao). 2021. Dataset free copies from the publishers


“‘Rallying round the flag effect’ in Israel’s first COVID-19 wave” Dataset  Code Israel Affairs.27(4). 2021. free copies from the publishers


“The ground operation sent citizens into a frenzy: the rally around the flag effect during operation protective edge.” Global Security: Health, Science and Policy 5(1). 2020. Replication files.


“The Role of Digital Media in the 2011 Egyptian Revolution” Democratization 27(5), 2020. free copies from the publishers


“The Inconvenient Facts Hindering a New Approach to Refugee Assistance Program.” Annals of Japanese Association for Middle East Studies 35(1) 2019.


“Sensitivity to Casualties in the Battlefield: The Case of Israel.” Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 3(1), 2018. Replication files.


"Demographic Change and Its Social and Political Implications in the Middle East," Asian Jouranl of Comparative Politics 2(1), 2017. Replication files [Macro]


“Foreign Affairs, the National Interest, and Secular-Religious Identities in Israel,” Asian Journal of Public Opinion Research 3(4), 2016. Replication files.


“Military Service as a Process of Political Socialization: The Case of Universal Conscription in Israel,” Annals of Japanese Association for Middle East Studies 32(1), 2016. 


“Determinants of attitude toward political parties in Palestine,” Asian Journal of Public Opinion Research 1(1), 2013. Replication files.


“Palestinian Migration under the Occupation,” Sociology Study 3(4), (2013 with Aiko Nishikida).


                                        “A Political Mental Map of the Palestinians,” Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies 27-2 (2012).


“Public Opinion and the Deterrence,” Journal of Political Science and Sociology 15, (2011).


“Inequality and Authoritarianism in the Developing Countries,” International Political Economy, 22 (2008).

*Replication Files


Other Papers in English                            

“Polarization, Policy Preferences, and Democratic Decay in Israel?” paper presented at the World Association for Public Opinion Research 75th annual conferences, Dubai (November 2022)


“"The Circumstances and Challenges for Return Migration of Syrian Migrants-Refugees.” (with Yutaka Takaoka and Aiko Nishikida)

Paper for the European Social Science History Conference, Leiden. (March 2020)


“A comparative study of the dynamics of the Syrian refugees in Jordan, Turkey, and Sweden” (with Aiko Nishikida, and Yutaka Takaoka)

Paper presented at the European Social Science History Conference, Belfast, (April 2018).


“Political Socialization of Syrian Refugees in Turkey”

paper presented at the seminar of Poll Survey on Syrians in Turkey: Findings and Implications.

Nafi Baba Seminar Room, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. (Feburary 2018)


“The Role of Social Media in the 2011 Egyptian Revolution”

paper presented at the Southern Political Science Association 2018 Conference, New Orleans. (January 2018)


“Sensitivity to Casualties in the Battlefield: The Case of Israel.”

paper presented at the International Political Science Association World Congress, Poznan, Poland.(July 2016)


“Military Service as a Process of Political Socialization: The Case of Universal Conscription in Israel.”

paper presented at the Asian Network for Public Opinion Research Conference, Niigata, Japan. (November 2014)


“Multidisciplinary Research on Cross-Border Arab Migration: A Comparison between Sweden and Jordan,”

Asia and Africa across Disciplinary and National Lines: Proceedings of the Papers. Columbia University, (2014 with Aiko NISHIKIDA


“Foreign Affairs, the National Interest, and Secular-Religious Identities in Israel.”

                                          paper presented at the International Political Science Association World Congress, Montreal, Canada.(July 2014)


“Book Review: Public Opinion in the Middle East.” Developing Economies 50(4): 404-407.(2012)


“A Political Mental Map of the Israelis: A System Approach to the Israel-Arab Conflict.”  Figures

paper presented at the conference of Japan and Israel. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. (May 2012)




Research                                         Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), 22H00055, 2022-2027

Grant                                               Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), 22K18520, 2022-2025

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), 19KK0033, 2019-2022.

                                                        Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), 15H03308, 2015-2019.

                                                        Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), 23310173, 2011-2014.

                                                        Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), 20730111, 2008-2011.

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), 17730094, 2005-2008.

                            YU-Growing Up Program, Yamagata University, 2009